About us:

Foundation of Hope was founded in 2003
- - to support orphanages, schools, vocational schools, homes for the elderly, and therapeutic institutions
- to offer medical help in the developing world as well as in Switzerland.

Current information and events:

2020, Corona in Lebanon,
>> Report of the day school in Anjar in Lebanon (PDF).

2020, Corona in Lebanon,
>> Report of the boarding school in Anjar in Lebanon (PDF).

One of our main projects is to support schools in Lebanon (to download flyer click >> here.)

Next Event:

Where We Help

Schools in Beirut

We support the following school in Bourj Hammoud, a town in the north-east of Beirut:
• Armenian Ev. Sec. School of Bourj Hammoud, for students aged 3 – 16 years (Kindergarten, Elementary & Intermediate sections)

In spring 2019 the decision was taken to merge the Shamlian School, founded in 1930, and Torosian School, founded in 1951, both situated in Bourj Hammoud and only a few hundred meters apart, because of financial and political reasons.

With the beginning of the academic year 2019-2020 (Sep 24, 2019) the school is known as Armenian Ev. Sec. School of Bourj Hammoud.

The school accepts Syrian refugees. Refugees, however, often cannot afford the school fees.

Health Center Howard Karagheusian

The Health Center ‘Howard Karagheusian‘ in Bourj-Hammoud in Greater Beirut provides medical, financial and psychological help to individuals and families in need. The day clinic has departments for general medicine, ophthalmology, dentistry, paediatric, gynaecology and neonatology. It also offers social services for the support of especially needy people.

Schools in Anjar

Anjar is situated in the Bekaa plain, about 5 km from the Syrian border and next to the road from Beirut to Damascus. Back in 1947, some ladies of a Swiss sisterhood saw the need for a place of refuge in this area. In 1955 they could welcome the first children in the boarding school. Both, girls and boys, from 4 – 18 years were accepted. Since 2012, the schools also accept refugee children from a refugee camp in the vicinity of Anjar. Today, up to 100 children live at the boarding school and attend classes. Another 250 students come to the day school with its levels from Kindergarten to baccalaureate.

School premises border on the spectacular ruins of Anjar, which date back to the high times of the city during the Umayyad period in the 8th century A.D. Except for a mosque in Bekaa, the ruins of Anjar are the only archaeological remains from this period in Lebanon.